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Library Media Center

Our hours are 8:00-3:15 daily

Vision Statement:

Madison Middle Library strives to enable our students to become seekers of ideas and information, will help nurture an interest in reading, and will encourage a desire for lifelong learning.

Mission Statement:

Madison Middle School Library offers a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment, where we are committed to ensuring that students leave middle school as competent and ethical users of information technologies with strong intellectual curiosity and life-long love of reading, learning, and independent thinking.


External site. Leaving MCS Website

Did you know that the Madison County Public Library offers ebooks, audio books, and movies?  Apply for your library card and start checking out these great titles.


Late Book Policy

Libraries do not charge late fees to make money, but to teach students responsibility.  However, there are other ways to do this than to charge a fine.  Starting in the 2019-2020 school year, the Madison Middle Library will no longer charge fines for late books.  Instead, student may choose to repay their fines in three different ways.

1.  Read Away:  Fines can be repaid by coming into the library and reading.  30 minutes of reading will repay 50 cents in fines.

2.  Food for Fines:  Bring in a can of food for the Madison Middle School Food bank, and repay your fines while helping the less fortunate in our community.  One can of food will repay $1.00 in fines.

3.  Clothing Bank Donations:  Bring in your unused or old dress code clothing for donation to the Madison Middle School Clothing Closet.  Each article of clothing will repay $5.00 in fines.

This does not waive fines for books that were borrowed from other schools.  

Please see Mr. Hatfield if you have any questions.

The MMS library has a new Google Classroom Page.  Stay up to date, see announcements, get book recommendations and more.  See Mr. Hatfield for the Class Code.