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Purple Star Resources

KY Purple Star Logo
Son hugs father returning from deployment

Madison Middle School is proud to be a Purple Star School.  The Purple Star Award is a state-sponsored recognition for individual schools’ dedication and support of military-connected youth. The Program started in 2016 in Ohio as a result of conversations with veterans, educators, military family members, students, service members and others about ways schools can better serve military students and their families.

The Purple Star Award designation lets military parents know, whether they are on active duty or in the National Guard and Reserves, that a school is dedicated to helping their child gain the educational skills necessary to be college-, workforce- and life-ready. 77% of Military parents whose children attend a Purple Star School reported that their children had a satisfactory to very satisfactory socio-emotional experience compared to while only 54% at non-Purple Star schools. The program is supported by the US Department of Defense, Military Child Education Coalition, and the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission, and currently, 33 states implement the program in their schools and school districts.

Our Purple Star Program is led by Mr. Bill Hatfield.  He retired from the KY Army National Guard in 2018 with over 28 years of military service.

Purple Star Resources


Soldier and her wife sitting under tree.  Soldier is kissing her baby.