Madison Middle Sports Information
To receive messages via text concerning MM Sports, text @mmboosterc to 81010.
You can opt out of messages at anytime by replying, unsubscribe @mmsports.
- All athletes must have a valid KHSAA physical form on file to participate.
- MMS Sports Remind Text App: Text @mmboosterc to the number 81010
- For additional information concerning sports - Contact Shawn Manuel (MMS AD) or Robbie Riley (MMS Asst. Principal )
Game/Practice Schedule:
Monday, Feb. 10th
-8th Grade Basketball vs Garrard Co @ Farristown 5:30
-8th Grade Volleyball vs Farristown @ Clark Moores 6:30
Tuesday, Feb. 11th
-6th Grade Volleyball vs Farristown @ Clark Moores 6:30
Wednesday, Feb, 12th
-Volleyball Championship @ Clark Moores
Thursday, Feb. 13th
-Basketball Championship @ Farristown
Friday, Feb. 14th
-Happy Valentines Day
Monday, Feb. 17th
-PD Day (No School for Students)
Up Coming Events:
Athletic Newsletters:
PTO / Booster Club Meeting:
Meeting Dates: - March 5th at 6 pm in Cafeteria
Help Support the MMS Athletes:
Kroger Rewards: Login to your Kroger Account and search for MMS Panthers Booster Club and click Enroll
Summer Practice Schedules:
Coaches Contact information:
Contact Asst. Principal, Robbie Riley or Athletic Director, Shawn Manuel
Commonwealth Middle Conference: